I can help you
tell your story

Are you making a positive impact on people or the planet through your business or charity? If so, I’d love to work with you. Storytelling is my thing, and I can help you create authentic and impactful copy to speak to the right people – whether that’s on your website, socials or in the press.

Woman working on a laptop at a coffee shop


Creating engaging content is so important when building brand awareness, but this is often at the bottom of the to-do list for founders. I can help save you time and stress by doing the job for you. As an experienced journalist and editor, I can work with you to craft content strategies, hone your storytelling and get your name out there with carefully-placed press coverage.

Content strategy

Whether you need to inject some fresh energy into your website content, authoritative articles for your blog, or a plan to boost engagement on your socials, I’ll work with you on an effective strategy and content calendar.

Press releases

I know what editors look for in a story and can help you tell yours. I’ll produce punchy press releases with a great news hook – plus I’ll distribute them to the media and get you coverage where it makes the most impact.

Brand storytelling

Do you need help to connect with your desired audience? Are you finding it difficult to speak to your ideal customer? I can help you refine your messaging and share your values so it resonates with the right people.

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Who am I?

I’m a mum-of-two and a freelance writer from West Sussex. When it comes to writing copy, I know a thing or two. I have a sharp news sense and know how to write a press release that readers will love and editors will publish. How do I know? Well, I worked as a journalist and editor on regional news brands for 11 years.


Bex Bastable Newsletter Examples

I’ve written news reports, features and branded content for many publications ranging from The i paper to the Chichester Observer. Press the button below to view my entire portfolio and explore examples of my work.


“Bex is an exceptional communicator, always understands objectives and is a joy to work with.”
Maunie Catcheside, Founder, Brighton & Hove PR
“Bex is hard working, full of ideas and great at spotting opportunities and delivering results.”
Mark Waldron, Publishing Editor, National World
“Bex is one of the most efficient and professional wordsmiths I’ve had the pleasure to work with.”
Vicki Hughes, Founder, Fugu
“Bex is a superb journalist, editor and community leader. Her journalism is sensitive, brave and trusted.”
Gary Shipton, Editorial Director, National World

Get in touch

Fill out the below form and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible! Otherwise please pop me an email at hello@bexbastable.co.uk

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