Brand storytelling for businesses that do good

What can a former newspaper editor tell you about improving your customer outreach? Quite a lot, as it turns out. I know how to get to the heart of a good story and I know how to write copy that tugs at the heartstrings. Connecting with your customers is vital, and I can help you create content that resonates with your audience, builds brand awareness and persuades people to do business with you.

Sounds good? Here’s how we can work together.

Woman on the beach looking at the sea

Content planning

The first thing we’ll do is map out your needs. Do you need a refresh of your website content? Would you better engage your customers with weekly articles on your website? How can we position your brand as an authority in your field? With great content of course! We’ll also look at case studies and human-interest stories we can use as real-life examples and stories that will connect with people.

Press releases

I’ll work with you to identify media opportunities and get you in the right publications. How can you position yourself as an expert on certain topics? What updates should you be sharing with the press and what’s the best news angle? I have the answers – just call me your media genie.

Articles for your website

I’ll produce top-notch content to keep your audience interested and raise your brand profile. I’ll work with you to plan relevant and timely content that will get people talking, keep your customers clued up and position you as an expert in your industry. We’ll plan a series of articles together, and then I’ll do the hard bit – the research, interviews and writing.

Brand storytelling

Why do you do what you do? What drives you to make a difference in the world through your organisation? People buy from those who share their values and beliefs, so it’s important that yours shine through your brand storytelling. I’ve spent over a decade honing my storytelling skills, and I can help you ensure your brand’s story shines through.

Social media

Stuck on what to say on social media? I can help you plan your social media content to make the most impact. We’ll identify the most important platforms to reach your audience, and then create the content they want to see.